Το Διοικητικό Πρωτοδικείο Θεσσαλονίκης, σε υπόθεση που χειρίστηκε επιτυχώς το γραφείο μας, ακύρωσε, με την υπ’ αριθ. 3737/2024 Απόφαση του, πράξη συμπληρωματικής χρέωσης τέλους ταξινόμησης, λόγω μη τήρησης της νόμιμης διαδικασίας εκ μέρους του Τελωνείου Θεσσαλονίκης. Η Συνθήκη για τη Λειτουργία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ορίζει στο άρθρο 110 ότι: «Κανένα κράτος μέλος δεν επιβάλλει άμεσα ή έμμεσα [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki, in a case successfully handled by our office, annulled, with the no. 4798/2023 Decision of, act of imposing a supplementary classification fee, due to non-observance of the legal procedure on the part of the Thessaloniki Customs. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states in Article 110 that: "No Member State shall directly impose [...]READ MORE
On CENTRAL MACEDONIA TELEVISION OPINION with George Papadopoulos, Lawyer Thomas Kalokyris spoke about the types of companies, their disadvantages and advantages, as well as corporate law issues. READ MORE
A commercial distribution contract is the contract by which an independent entrepreneur undertakes the obligation towards the supplier to sell the latter's products on a permanent and stable basis[1]. The notable difference between a distribution agreement and a commercial agency agreement is that the distributor acts in the name and on behalf of [...]READ MORE
A franchise agreement (franchising) is the agreement by which an independent and independent entrepreneur (franchisee or "recipient") joins the business network of his counterparty (franchisor or "grantor"), so that he is entitled to sell goods (distribution franchising), to provide services (service franchising) or to produce products (production franchising), using the brand and [...]READ MORE
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