Το Διοικητικό Πρωτοδικείο Θεσσαλονίκης, σε υπόθεση που χειρίστηκε επιτυχώς το γραφείο μας, ακύρωσε, με την υπ’ αριθ. 3737/2024 Απόφαση του, πράξη συμπληρωματικής χρέωσης τέλους ταξινόμησης, λόγω μη τήρησης της νόμιμης διαδικασίας εκ μέρους του Τελωνείου Θεσσαλονίκης. Η Συνθήκη για τη Λειτουργία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ορίζει στο άρθρο 110 ότι: «Κανένα κράτος μέλος δεν επιβάλλει άμεσα ή έμμεσα [...]READ MORE
Με την υπ’ αριθμ. 2088/2023 Απόφαση του Διοικητικού Εφετείου Θεσσαλονίκης (Φορολογικό – Τελωνειακό), σε υπόθεση που χειρίστηκε επιτυχώς το γραφείο μας, το Δικαστήριο έκρινε ότι: “Ήδη από το έτος 2010, όταν κλήθηκε η Δ.Ο.Υ. να ελέγξει τα φορολογικά στοιχεία είχε, κατ’ αρχάς, γνώση, περί της μη σύννομης συναλλακτικής δραστηριότητας του εκδότη των ένδικων φορολογικών στοιχείων [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki, in a case successfully handled by our office, annulled, with the no. 4798/2023 Decision of, act of imposing a supplementary classification fee, due to non-observance of the legal procedure on the part of the Thessaloniki Customs. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states in Article 110 that: "No Member State shall directly impose [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of Appeal of Thessaloniki ruled with no. A838/2023 Decision of, in a case successfully handled by our office, that the tax authority's insistence on following the formula, regarding the formula for the correction of an incorrect real estate tax calculation, is contrary to the principles of good administration, justified trust and proportionality , When the [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of Appeal of Thessaloniki, with its Decision No. 196/2023, in a case that was successfully handled by our office, rejected the appeal of the Greek State in a case of imposing a fine for accepting, receiving and registering virtual invoices. The Court, among other things, accepted that the tax authority bears the burden of proof and did not prove, even in principle, [...]READ MORE
With several announcements for participation in ASEP competitions underway, we list some useful tips regarding what you should pay attention to when completing the application and submitting your relevant supporting documents. First of all, a thorough study of the relevant announcement is required, which provides for the appointment qualifications that must be met in the person of [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki with no. 2656/2022 Decision of, on a case handled by our office, annulled the individual notice of the Thessaloniki KEAO by which the objector, as the former Managing Director of the debtor limited company - was called upon to settle or pay off a debt of the total amount of 106,344.09 euros , coming from the imputation [...]READ MORE
According to the provision of article 95 of Law 4387/2016 "from the entry into force of this, the requirements of the Social Security Agencies that are included in the E.F.K.A. from unpaid insurance contributions are subject to a twenty-year statute of limitations, starting from the first day of the following year in which the insurable work or service was provided. The regulation [...]READ MORE
"As it was decided with no. 1833/2021 decision of the Plenary of the Council of State, the provision of par. 1 of article 95 of law 4387/2016, which established a single regulation for the limitation of claims for payment of contributions of members of the E.F.K. A. bodies, and its duration is set at twenty years, on the one hand it contradicts the [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki with no. 2604/2021 His decision, on a case that was successfully handled by our office, annulled the fines (P.E.E. and P.E.P.E.E.) of the EFKA-IKA for 29 employees of a catering business (cafe – bar ) of Thessaloniki, for a total amount of more than 28,000.00 euros judging that the audit bodies of the IKA did not prove, as [...]READ MORE
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