Με την υπ’ αριθ. 4513/2024 Απόφασή του, επί υποθέσεως που χειρίστηκε επιτυχώς το γραφείο μας, το Διοικητικό Πρωτοδικείο Θεσσαλονίκης ακύρωσε Πράξεις Επιβολής Προστίμου του ΕΦΚΑ, λόγω παραβίασης του κατοχυρωμένου από το άρθρο 20 παρ. 2 του Συντάγματος δικαιώματος για προηγούμενη ακρόαση. Ειδικότερα, το Δικαστήριο έκρινε ότι: “Με την κρινόμενη προσφυγή, όπως αναπτύσσεται με το από [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki with no. 2656/2022 Decision of, on a case handled by our office, annulled the individual notice of the Thessaloniki KEAO by which the objector, as the former Managing Director of the debtor limited company - was called upon to settle or pay off a debt of the total amount of 106,344.09 euros , coming from the imputation [...]READ MORE
According to the provision of article 95 of Law 4387/2016 "from the entry into force of this, the requirements of the Social Security Agencies that are included in the E.F.K.A. from unpaid insurance contributions are subject to a twenty-year statute of limitations, starting from the first day of the following year in which the insurable work or service was provided. The regulation [...]READ MORE
The no. 630/21 Decision of the Single Member Court of First Instance of Athens, on a case that was successfully handled by our office, rejected the Lawsuit of a former employer company against an employee with a claim for compensation due to a violation of the post-contractual non-competition and confidentiality clause and awarded the latter 2,000.00 euros in court costs. The employer was entitled to an amount of more than 80,000.00 euros as forfeiture of criminal charges [...]READ MORE
The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki with no. 2604/2021 His decision, on a case that was successfully handled by our office, annulled the fines (P.E.E. and P.E.P.E.E.) of the EFKA-IKA for 29 employees of a catering business (cafe – bar ) of Thessaloniki, for a total amount of more than 28,000.00 euros judging that the audit bodies of the IKA did not prove, as [...]READ MORE
"The obligation to return unduly paid benefits is lifted in the event that from the issuance of a deed for the payment of benefits in compliance with a court decision until the issuance of a newer deed to search for them following the issuance of a court decision, which irrevocably overturns the obligation of the insurance organization to pay these benefits, it is too late [...]READ MORE
Next is the no. 2195/2019 Decision of the Three-member Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki, which vindicated a pensioner, who legally received a disability pension following a decision of the Local Administrative Committee of EFKA-OAEE, when EFKA itself appealed against the decision of its own body requesting the annulment of the , which appeal was finally rejected by the [...]READ MORE
Next is the no. 1250/2019 Decision of the Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki, which vindicated an overage pensioner against whom the amounts of the supplements he received on his pension due to his wife were charged, because he had stated in good faith, when asked, that his wife did not worked or subsidized or retired, as it were [...]READ MORE
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