“I'm coming to the turn. Has it always been this simple to change? I can't believe it. It can't be that simple! The road starts to split: turn left – turn right – dead end ahead. The moment has come. Wake up Thessaloniki! My city, my city, wake up! You are my only hope! Wake up and wake me up! Can't you hear the alarm?
It's starting to dawn. The city is starting to wake up. I look once more – for the last time – at the free landscape. I turn left. Tomorrow maybe. Maybe tomorrow I'll make it.
Tomorrow, maybe, I'll turn right."
"Oneiros Athyrma" is a collection of short stories and poems, each with its own special voice, which all together make up neither more nor less an insignificant, eternal cry of our ephemeral, great existence. From the lost Atlantis and ancient Rome to the enchanting Rethymno and modern Thessaloniki, he who yearns for life, for love, for freedom, for justice, for a better self and for a better world, will always live, fall in love, he will hope, he will struggle, he will claim, he will dream, above all this; he will dream and tell.
"Game of dreams" the words and lost stories. Not tomorrow. Today I have to. A gateway to dreams and our life and ephemeral moments.
Not tomorrow. Play today.
Available nationwide in bookstores.
Για να παραγγείλετε ηλεκτρονικά το βιβλίο:
Ονείρων άθυρμα – Θωμάς Καλοκύρης | Skroutz Βιβλία
Ονειρων Αθυρμα – Ελληνικη λογοτεχνια (BKS.0087523) (e-shop.gr)
Ονείρων άθυρμα – Θωμάς Καλοκύρης – 9786185095147 | Protoporia.gr
Γαλλική Έκδοση
“Jouets du destin ballottés par les rêves”
2024, ISBN numérique : 979-10-405-4903-1
Jouets du destin ballottés par les rêves από Thomas Kalokyris – Βιβλία στο Google Play
Jouets du destin ballottés par les rêves eBook : Kalokyris, Thomas: Amazon.fr: Boutique Kindle